O menino que colhia cascas faz sua estreia em Berlin na próxima sexta feira 10/02 às 20h. O curta será exibido dentro da programação do [DL8] 8th Berlin International Directors Lounge - The festival for contemporary media and film - que acontece entre os dias 9 à 19 de fevereiro. Fica ai o convite para os amigos que estão em Berlin.
The boy who collected skins makes its debut on German next Friday 10th 8pm. The filme will be shown in the the schedule of the [DL8] 8th Berlin International Director Lounge - The festival for contemporary media and film. The festival happens between 9th and 19th february. There is my inivitation to friends on Berlin.
Para maiores detalhes / For mor detailes:
Aqui vai a programação completa da sessão.
Here's the full schedule of the session.
DL Selection I
Isaac Berrokal ES Contranatura 12 min 2010
Craig Webster US Carbon 9 min 30s 2012 | European Premiere
Joacelio Batista BR The Boy Who Collected Skins 13 min 45s 2011 | German Premiere
Ophir Ben Shimon IL A Man Asleep 15 min 40s 2011 | German Premiere
Ali Asgari IR Tonight Is Not A Good Night For Dying 4 min 20s 2011 | German Premiere
Anil Lakhwani IN KwaishQaein 10 min 30s 2011
Charles Fairbanks US/MX Irma 12 min 15s 2010
Arati Kadav IN Uss Paar 17 min 2010
93 min
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