quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2019

Ich bin der übermensch en La Primera Edición del Festival PUNTOMOV

Festival de Videoarte de la Facultad de Artes, UAEMEX. Nxs interesa crear un foro de exposición de trabajos y obra artística que usa al video como soporte, crear un escenario de discusión y debate sobre ideas relacionadas a la creación de videoarte.

La Primera Edición del Festival PUNTOMOV, a celebrarse el 7 y 8 de noviembre en Toluca de Lerdo.


TIMELINE:BH #5 - Sesc Palladium - 25,26 e 27 de 2019

Chegou a hora, convidamos a todos para nossa quinta edição. TIMELINE:BH #5 começa a próxima sexta 25710. Esse ano fizemos nossa primeira chamada aberta por trabalhos. Para nossa supresa foram mais de 700 obras vindas de todos os continentes.  O trabalho duro de seleção segue agora para apreciação do publico belorizontino. O Duo Strangloscope de Santa Catarina será homenageado  nessa edição. Curadoras convidadas Ana Moravi e  Sara não tem nome se juntam aos festivais Cairo Video Fest do Egito e Risco Cinema do Rio. Aguardamos vocês lá!!!

Curadoria: Carlosmagno Rodrigues, Joacélio Batista e Sávio Leite - 60’

001 - METAMORFOSE 115 / Arlen Costa de Paula / Brasil / 06'05"
002 - DE.CADENCIA / Marisol Bellusci and Luis Saray / Argentina 02’10”
003 - SHEDDING / Alessandro Amaducci / Itália / 06'48''
004 - CALENDARIO DE LLUVIAS / Claudio Caldini / Argentina / 10'25''
005 - PERIOD / Samy Sfoggia / Brasil / 01’15”
006 -MÚSICA INFERNAL - 3 CENAS / Cecilia Cavalieri / Brasil 00’54"
007 - ACESSO A BLUE LINE / Daniel Torres Brasil / 01'02"
008 - CONTINENTE / Diana Sandes and Gabi Carrera / Brasil / 03’11”
009 - L'ARMOIRE / Aurore Scotet / França / 05’57”
010 - THE REUNION / Suneil Sanzgiri / USA / 06’18”
011 - CRISTA / Claudia Robles / Chile / 02’34”
012 - GAFE / Edlyn Castellanos / México / 05'35”
013 - MELHOR ASSIM, DE SÉRGIO RUBENS SOSSÉLLA / Gregório Camilo and Fernanda Magalhães Ferrari / Brasil 00'34"
014 - NINGUÉM VOLTA PRA CASA, DE SÉRGIO RUBENS SOSSÉLLA / Gregório Camilo and Fernanda Magalhães Ferrari / Brasil / 02'20"
015 - GCMVTM / Gregório Camilo / Brasil / 02'35"
016 - ILHAS PRIBILOF / André Lage / Brasil / 03:29
017 - TRAVEL NOTEBOOKS: MARSEILLE, FRANCE / Silvia De Gennaro / Itália / 02’22

Curadoria: Carlosmagno Rodrigues, Joacélio Batista e Sávio Leite- 60’

018 - A CASA / Camila Leichter / Brasil / 13’14"
019 - CONFLUENCE I / Davide De Lillis, Julia Metzger-Traber, Jonah King / Itália / 8’45”
020 - SLIP AWAY / Mikey Peterson / USA / 02’34”
021 - BA#3 / Hsieh Jhouyu / Taiwan / 03’47”
022 - LE MURMURE DES CHOSES / Michel Pavlou / Grécia / 5’00”
023 - ANDREI / Natasha Cantwell / Nova Zelândia / 01’20”
024 - CATALYST / Kent Tate / Canada / 03’30”
025 - ESTRANHO ANIMAL / Arthur B. Senra / Brasil / 05'03"
026 - TCHA / Julia Baumfeld / Brasil / 03’10”
027 - PINK PARTY / Sandrine Deumier França / 06’53”
028 - HAPPILY EVER AFTER / Alva Morgenstern / Áustria / 07”15

Curadoria: Carlosmagno Rodrigues, Joacélio Batista e Sávio Leite- 60’

029 - GARE PARIS-SAINT-LAZARE, 10 AVRIL 2017, 12H03-12H07 / Pablo-Martín Córdoba / Arg. - Itália / 04’26”
030 - L.O.V.E.S.O.N.G / Tetsuya Maruyama / Japão / 2’49”
031 - TETA LI´RICA / Marie Carangi / Brasil / 5’51”
032- GENEALOGIA / Rogê / Brasil / 10’17”
033 - A BORBOLETA E O COELHO / Jamilo Brasil / 55”
034 - SUFI SUPERFÍCIE / Marina Mayumii / Brasil / 2'17''
035 - GIMNY MOSKOVII / Dimitri Venkov / Rússia 14’24”
036 - A LUTA / Fábio Carvalho / Brasil / 29’00”

Curadoria: Carlosmagno Rodrigues, Joacélio Batista e Sávio Leite - 60’

037 - DEATH DAY / Igor Vaganov / Rússia / 07'18"
038 - FEITO NÃO FANTASIA CARETA / José Paulon / Brasil / 00’39”
039 - BICHO /  Felipe Bittencourt / Brasil / 2’
040- ÁGUA PRETA / Francisco Pereira & Juliana Gontijo / Brasil / 11’50”
041 - PASSA 1 / Camila Lacerda Lopes Brasil / 03’55”
042 - ÍNDIA NÃO TEM NOME / Marco Antônio Gonçalves Júnior Brasil / 15’16”
043 - MATRIARCAL / Nicolly Rejayra / Brasil / 08’17
044 - KILLING WORDS / Umair Anwar / Paquistão / 02’00”
045 - MADE IN / Flávia Coelho / Brasil / 5’30“

Curadoria Ana Moravi

046 - DEBEN SABER / Marisol Bellusci / Argentina / 01’20”
047 - TODAS AS CASAS MENOS A MINHA /Julia Baumfeld / Brasil / 19’ 55”
048 - MINHA MEMÓRIA É O MEU DELÍRIO / Carolina Santana / Brasil / 05’43”
049 - TROUBLE / Camille Pueyo / França / 02’43”
050 - FAZ SILÊNCIO AQUI / Bianca Rezende Rongel / Brasil /00:25”
051 - LE COFFRE Á JOUETS DE JACQUES FOLOPPE / Virginie Foloppe / França / 04’ 03”
052 - TREINAMENTO PARA SEGUIR EM FRENTE / Patrícia Teles / Brasil / 01’17”
053 - A ESCALA É GRANDE E POR ISSO FICAMOS POR AQUI / Nicole Kouts / Brasil / 01’
054 - 0=0 / Hind Saâd / França / 01’ 50” 
055 - BELLEZA.ZIP / Florencia Vallejos / Argentina /09’20”
056 - LIMITES / Romina Forno / Chile / 03’19”
057 - TREINAMENTO PARA SEHUIR EM LINHA RETA / Patrícia Teles / Brasil / 00:49”
058 - OLYMPE SAID TO ME: I DIDN’T LOOSE MY HEAD / Virginie Foloppe / França / 04’40”

059 - RISCO CINEMA #1 - STz - 2019, H264 - 65’
Concepção: Lucas Murari / Luiz Garcia

Cláudia Cárdenas & Rafael Schilchting

060 - LEOPARD MAN STUDY / Sérvia / Brasil / 7’34” 
061 - HONRA AO MÉRITO / Brasil / 9’45” / 2017
062 - DERIVA / Brasil / 3’11” / 2017
063 - SOLO UM POCO AQUI / México / 5’33” / 2018
064 - MOVIMENTO / Brasil / 3’22” /2018
065 -VAZIOS HABITADOS / Brasil / 21’ 04” / 2018  


066 - THE CURRENT CUBE / Hend Moaz / Egito / 6'02''/2017 
067 - THE CALLER AKA – EL NADAHA / Muhammed Taymour / Egito / 8'48' / 2017 
068 - FLOWMSTER / Neviene Emam / Egito / 4'06''/ 2017 
069 - THE IMAGE OF MAN / Soheir Sharara / Egito / 4'29' / 2017 
070 - CROSSOVER / Ahmed El Shaer / Egito / 7'10'' / 2017 
071 - THE AESTHETICS OF BEING / Samuel Nashaat / Egito / 6'09'' / 2017 
072 - DEEPLY ANSURD LUCIDITY /Sammy Sayed / Egito / 7'20'' / 2017 
073 - IT SEEMS THAT I NEED A CHOREOGRAPHER / Eman Zahran / Egito / 5'43'' / 2017 
074 - LOST IN TRANSITION / Rasha Amin / Egito / 2’38” / 2015 
075 - COUPLETS FOR NA EVERLASTING EVE /Ageda Kopla Taldea / Espanha / 5’20” /2016 
076 - DISGRACEFUL BLUE / Young Joo Lee / Coreia do Sul / 10’32” / 2016
077 - ALL TRU-ISH / Mina Mir / USA / 2’37” / 2015 
078 - THE EYE OF THE STORM /Masanobu Hiraoka / Japão / 5’03” / 2015 
079 - FISH TANK /Haoge Liu /China / 5’59” / 2016 
080 - THE PATH / Bhopal / França / 6’34'' /2016 
081 - EGG LEGS / Marwan El Gamal / Egypt / 7’40” / 2015

Curadoria Sara não tem nome - 48’

082 - PESSOAS REAIS DISPONÍVEIS PARA CONVERSAR / Fernando Persiano / Brasil / 28’ 
084 - MENINA ( part.Letrux) /  Marcelo Perdido / Brasil / 3’ 48” 
085 - FALTA (feat felipes) / Marcelo Perdido / Brasil / 5’ 30”  
086 - BRASA / Marcelo Perdido / Brasil / 3’ 48”
087 - LENHADOR/ Marcelo Perdido / Brasil / 3’ 34”
088 - TESOURA SEM PONTA / Marcelo Perdido / Brasil / 4’ 02”

terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2019

Artpro International Video Art Festival (AIVAF) in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Artpro International Video Art Festival (AIVAF) will be the first contemporary exhibition showcasing thematic, conceptual and experimental video art & film within Bangladesh. Our aim is to promote and represent international contemporary video art to live audiences in Dhaka, Bangladesh with a yearly festival held in Bangladesh’s National Art Gallery, Shilpakala, Dhaka. The International Festival wishes to establish itself as an open space that experiments, identifies and critically examines the latest trends in the art world. Bangladesh will be the ambassador that will establish a shared space for contemporary video artists globally, showcasing and promoting video art and artists.

Aims and Objectives | AIVAF’s fundamental aim is to provide young artists with the opportunity to introduce themselves to a broad audience, advance their artistic carrer and create a networking platform within South Asia for talented artist with galleries, art critics and art collectors. Furthermore, this is a great opportunity to open up the art scene to the public in Bangladesh seeing it will be held in a major public gallery in Dhaka.

Brief description of project | The festival will include exhibitions, seminars and workshops of 100 selected artists and artisans from more than 20 countries with the invitation of over 12.000 visitors. AIVAF will be an inspirational event that will add to the growing art scene and culture appearing in Bangladesh, generating narratives and imageries that seek to inspire the communities across the city of Dhaka. The festival calls for the audiences to rethink their identity and reorient their thoughts on issues artists are raising today, with particular interest on issues related to cultural homogeneity to rethink and raise questions regarding it and its opposites such as cultural diversity and heterogeneity. Each artwork has within it interwoven the past, present and the future, of not only the person but also, their cultures and traditions. The community in Dhaka/Bangladesh is rich in history, traditions and cultures and each Bangladeshi artist have these interconnected within their artform, and most importantly with the present socio-political realities, different living traditions and past ritual activities in Bangladesh. Video art being a less recognized artform within art academies or institution in their academic calendar in Bangladesh, Artpro wants to develop a culture for video art in Bangladesh, and the AIVAF will work as a springboard for this vision.

Implementation of project | AIVAF is designed as week-long festival, the main activity being the exhibition that will be held in Shilpakala. In Addition to this there will be a series of workshops, artist talks, and panel discussions throughout the festival for the artists and people to take part in. the main theme pushed by Artpro within these activities is the one of Neighborhoods. Promoting further understanding between the artists and the audience.

AIVAF19 Selected Artist:
Abir Shome- Bangladesh
Alexander Isaenko- Ukraine
Avner Pinchover-  Switzerland
Carles Pamies- Spain
David Anthony Sant- Australia
Firoz Mahmud- Bangladesh
Fran Orallo- UK
Guilherme Bergamini- Brazil
Jean-Michel Rolland- France
Johannes Christopher Gerard- Netherlands
Joacelio Batista- Brazil
Jiasrin Hoque- Bangladesh
Julio- Germany
Karan Shrestha- Nepal
Marco Valdivia- Peru
Mercedes Aqui- Mexico
Octavianus Frans- Indonesia
Sandrine- France
Sanjid Mahmud- Bangladesh
Sophia Moffa- UK
Sumana Akter- Bangladesh
Ushnish Mukhopadhyay- India
Vasilios Papaioannu- USA
Yasmin Jahan Nupur- Bangladesh
Zihan Karim- Bangladesh

sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2019

Third Space Video Art & Short Film Screening

Video Art/Short Film Screening with the theme of CONTROL in Helsinki, Finland.

We are excited to welcome you to the Third Space Video Art / Short Film Screening with the theme of CONTROL. This is the first event in a series of screenings that are part of the Third Space 6-years anniversary program.

The first screening will be on:

17.10.2019, 16:30 - 20:00 / STOA Music Hall
Turunlinnantie 1, Itäkeskus 00900 Helsinki.

**** Stay tuned for the detailed program! ****

The screening features 23 video works & short films by 29 artists and filmmakers based in Finland and abroad:

Nils Agdler & Timo Menke (SE) / Joacelio Batista (BR) / Laura Benavides (EE) / Khalil Charif (BR) / Sam Conlon (FI) / Igor Furtado (BR) / Đejmi Hadrović (AU) / Kalle Hamm & Olli Aarni & Lauri Ainala & Hermanni Keko (FI) / Edna Pulla (Edna Huotari) (FI) / Alisa Javits (FI) / John C. Kelley (US) / Nina Lassila (FI/BE) / Veera Launonen & Ilkka Martti Kivelä (FI) / Dagobert Macib (NL) / Mirjami Nyman (FI) / Jean-Michel Rolland (FR) / Jaakko Ruuska & Juha Salminen (FI) /  Paula Saraste (FI/DE) / Vidha Saumya (FI) / Sara Não Tem Nome (BR) / Charlotte Thiis-Evensen (NO) / Balázs Varju Tóth (HU) / Maria Valkeavuolle (FI)

The event is curated and produced by the Third Space collective members Elina Nissinen and Sepideh Rahaa in collaboration with the Finnish Media Art Association MUU ry and Sanna Nuutinen / Helsinki City Cultural Centre STOA.

The screenings are kindly supported by the center for the promotion of audiovisual culture AVEK.



DA FEST [7] // 22 – 26.10.2019, SOFIA.

DA Fest is an international festival presenting various artistic practices in the field of digital arts: digital video and photography, interactive performance and installation, audio-visual performance, virtual reality, streaming, three-dimensional mapping, network art, network art -technology, robotics and generative systems and other interdisciplinary forms.
The program of the festival includes an exhibition with multimedia and interactive installations, audio-visual, theatrical and dance performances, video art screenings, lectures and presentations, practical workshops that are held in an intensive program of 5 days.
The festival started in 2009 with the idea to ​​present to the general public the important achievements and new trends of artistic research and experiments created with the new IT and media technologies.
During the past six editions the festival has involved over 300 artists and researchers from all over the world, including some of the renowned names on the international scene. Most of these artists come to Bulgaria for the first time and their meeting with Bulgarian audiences is unique and very inspiring for both the public and the participants.
Building a platform for dialogue and collaboration between art, technologies and education, festival curators Venelin Shurelov and Galina Dimitrova-Dimova invite artists and researchers from the local and international scene, while giving the opportunity for artistic debut to students and other young artists.
DA Fest team

Curators and organizers: Venelin Shurelov and Galina Dimitrova-Dimova
Event Coordinator: Iliana Kancheva
Web site and online communication: Petya Chalakova
PR & Media: Didi Spasova / NHA
Accounting and Finance: Dimitrinka Rafailova / NHA
Web Development: ESOF
The festival team expresses its gratitude to all the volunteers who assist in the preparation and realization of the festival.
