quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018

Pela Pele: Reconstruindo O Homem e a Mulher

Convido aos amigos para a abertura da Exposição "Pela Pele: Reconstruindo O Homem e a Mulher" de Marco Paulo Rolla. O artista apresentará um lindo trabalho em cerâmica  feito em conjunto da ceramista Zezinha, do Vale do Jequitinhonha. Durante a exposição será exibido o documentário de mesmo nome do qual eu  tive o prazer de trabalhar em sua produção. Apareçam.

Foto: Victor Galvão

terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2018


O MULTI|LAB está trazendo uma nova produção!

Na QUARTA-FEIRA, dia 26 de SETEMBRO, no auditório da Escola Guignard, mais uma palestra sobre vídeo arte. Contando com a fala de Carlosmagno Rodrigues e Joacelio Batista, a palestra 'A VIDEOARTE EXISTE?' será realizada as 19h e terá ENTRADA GRATUITA. Marque no calendário!! MultiLab é um projeto extensionista da Escola Guignard que parte de uma vontade de expansão e possibilidade de abertura para diálogos relacionados ao vídeo e toda sua abrangência nas artes.

Serão apresentadas as ações do projeto e chamamento de alunos e comunidade acadêmica interessada em compor e compartilhar as atividades do projeto.


Le GIV présente : The Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP)

The latest volume of the ECVP [Exquisite Corpse Video Project] will present at Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV) in Montreal. The event is free and after the projection, I will be there to chat with the audience about this wonderful project that I have the pleasure of being coordinating for 10 years now! Over 100 artists have been in the project, which has had over 70 exhibitions and screening in many countries.

For those who don't know, the ECVP consists of a series of videos made by artists by all over the world who collaborate via the "exquisite corpse" method - the surrealist's method of creation, but translated to video. In practice, each artist makes a 1 minute video and sends the last 10 seconds to the next artist in line. In the end, everything is put together. The final result is always fun to watch and, above all, it's interesting to see the dialog between those very different artists.

In addition to the Volume 6, I will also present excerpts of past volumes (1 and 4) in order to give an idea of how the project has evolved over the years.

Artists participating of ECVP Vol.6 are: 
Per Eriksson , SoJin Chun , Ivelina Ivanova , Ulf Kristiansen , Savio Leite , Renata Padovan , Jacques Perconte, Clémence Demesme , Wai Kit Lam , Simone Stoll , Marina Fomenko , LAu Focarazzo , Clelia Mello , Kika Nicolela , Stina Pehrsdotter , Laura Colmenares Guerra , Yoshiki Nishimura , Jorge Lozano , Jan Kather , Anthony Siarkiewicz , Niclas Hallberg , Cláudia Cárdenas & Rafael Strangloscópico , Nia Pushkarova , Sonia Guggisberg , John Sanborn , Sigrid Coggins , Joacelio Batista , Gabriel V. Soucheyre , Jan Hakon Erichsen , Lucas Bambozzi , Mike Hoolboom and Nung-Hsin Hu.


domingo, 9 de setembro de 2018

Passive Activists III ////// FILM- AND VIDEO-ART

The project Passive Activists will present the final edition of a series of three (all in 2018: March, June, September) which was supported by Stroom Den Haag and by the Broedplaatsenbeleid of Gemeente Den Haag. Especially for this final edition we will present a publication (print) with contributions by all the artists of Passive Activists. Small edition, reservations possible: mailto:moosestudiospace@gmail.com

Video screening:
A selection of video art is partly created out an open call (global) and by a secure selection. The The Hague artist Roel van Heesch will show his recent video work he made on his travels in Asia. All the names of the video artists that will be presented at Passive Activists III are:

Joacélio Batista, Roel van Heesch, Leslie Johnson + Smrit Mehra + Chinar Shah, Piotr Krzymowski, Ole Madsen, Milan Samardzic, Weigang Song, Charlotte van Winden, Luca Lobel di Zappa

Passive Activists:
“In the beginning of this year I wrote a concept out of a rooted urgency to unite and reveal video art with a certain activist but passively rebellious character through a fresh manifestation: the project ‘Passive Activists’ was formulated. I concentrated on the similarities within my own generation worldwide – working with video or film, in sufficient width, and tried to capture that in the project Passive Activists.” – Charlotte van Winden

After the first edition it was such a round whole, that there was the urge to stirr it a bit with the so-called “healthy intercuts” in the form of talks and performances in stead of the cinema setting of the first edition. After this interim earthquake new lines are formed: online lines, lines on paper, bound on history and forced to document.

To close this passive but turbulent project Moose Space will open its doors for the final series, the printed video art and one or two wanted videos from earlier editions this year.

All Passive Activists, video artists/film makers: Sarah Abu Abdallah, Joacélio Batista, Maarten Bel (performance), Lou Buche, Jesse Budel, Alli Coates, Roel van Eijk, Niamh Farrelly, Helen Anna Flanagan, Roel van Heesch, Leslie Johnson, Lola Gonzales, Jefferson Kielwagen, Piotr Krzymowski, Adrian Lee, Ole Madsen, Armani Mahmoudzadeh, Smrit Mehra, Belle Phromchanya, Signe Pierce, Milan Samardzic, Mauricio Sanhueza, Kim Schonewille, Marcos Serafim, Chinar Shah, Rustan Söderling, Weigang Song, Gala Tellechea Velez (performance talk), Yordi Vieyte, Anna Sophie de Vries, Charlotte van Winden, Luca Lobel di Zappa